To maintain the standards and quality of services provided, each KIDDIES OXFORD is ISO 9001-2015 certified with respect to the quality of education being provided, safety, security and hygiene at each centre.

Kiddies Oxford Curriculum
At KIDDIES OXFORD extensive research has been done on early childhood philosophies and theories to recreate a global curriculum which reflects the experiential learning, nurtures curiosity, develop sensorial–motor skills, personality, language development, cognitive development, creative and social skill development which finally leads to developing independent thinkers and lifelong learners.
Kiddies Oxford Methodology
At KIDDIES OXFORD to arise curious learners Inquiry Based teaching methodology encourages the child to arrive at logical conclusion and the teaching based on Multiple Intelligence theory provides a spectrum of content areas, including verbal-linguistic, mathematical-logical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, and naturalistic. MI theory reaches out to the learners through different teaching and learning strategies which can accommodate learners with these different ability levels, including those who do not learn in traditional way.

Learner Centric Approach
The Curriculum at KIDDIES OXFORD has been developed keeping the child at the centre of learning. Themes are carefully designed and the ones which the child can understand and relate to easily are taken up first. The child is given the opportunity to explore and learn at his own pace. The methods included in this process are active learning, in which the child solves the problems, answer the questions, ask questions, brainstorm during session and work as a team in projects.

Teacher Student Ratio
To support the learning approaches and methodologies of KIDDIES OXFORD a well-knit teacher student bond is created which provides a safe and secured learning environment where children are encouraged to explore, express, through the various activities resulting in boosting their self-confidence. To enhance a healthy relationship teacher student ratio of 1:8 is maintained to ensure that each child receives adequate individual attention.
At KIDDIES OXFORD the evaluation process is continuous and remedial. The teacher designs the activity based assessment when she feels that the concept is understood by the children. If any child had difficulty in understanding the concept early intervention is always sorted out and the child is helped to cope up and understand the concept better.

KIDDIES OXFORD vouches for child safety and has made I-Safe an intrinsic part of its curriculum where the children are made aware to raise voice against abuse in adverse situations. Surveillance round the clock and live monitoring through CCTV is provided to ensure child safety and security. Teaching and non-teaching staff members are given special training to prevent child abuse within the school premises. Parents are made aware of how to provide an abuse free environment to child through I -Safe workshop.

Parents as Partners
KIDDIES OXFORD believes that development of a child is a two way process wherein both the preschool and parents play an active role in shaping up the future. KIDDIES OXFORD provides parents an opportunity to get involved in the classroom experience during its portfolio sharing days. Views of parents play an important role in providing better and quality service.